LAST HEAVEN - the GazettE - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

LAST HEAVEN - the GazettE

Always stay this way ここにいるよ (总是这样维持不变 在这里)

Always stay this way ここにいるよ

always stay this way kokoniiruyo

言叶よりも深く (比言语更加深切)


kotoba yorimo fukaku

Last heaven (最终天堂)

Last heaven

last heaven

远き宙 无限の时 零れる星に今愿いを (遥远的天空 无尽的时刻 此刻我面对散落满天的星星许愿)

とおきそら むげんのとき こぼれるほしにいまねがいを

tooki chuu mugen no toki kobore ru hoshi ni ima negai wo

限りなく回り続ける青いメリーゴーランド (不停转动的蓝色旋转木马)


kagiri naku mawari tsuzuke ru aoi meri-go-rando

キミのように“永远”でありたい (我想要成为像你一样的“永远”)


kimi noyouni 「 eien 」 dearitai

Love without shape changing day by day (没有随着岁月的过去而改变的爱)

Love without shape changing day by day

love without shape changing day by day

时を重ねる (历经时间的流逝)


toki wo kasaneru

届かない梦を见ていよう (让我们一起做着遥不可及的梦)


todoka nai yume wo mite iyou

Long road which leads to the calm hill (引领我们抵达沉静山峦的漫漫长路)

Long road which leads to the calm hill

long road which leads to the calm hill

悲しみは置いて行くよ (把悲伤放下 再次前进吧)


kanashimi ha oi te iku yo

Good night…My beloved (晚安…我的爱人)

Good night…My beloved

good night …my beloved

Last heaven of mine (属于我的最终天堂)

Last heaven of mine

last heaven of mine

不朽の季 波打つ海 零れる星に今愿いを (永恒的季节 碧波荡漾的海洋 此刻我面对散落满天的星星许愿)

ふきゅうのき なみうつうみ こぼれるほしにいまねがいを

fukyuu no ki namiutsu umi kobore ru hoshi ni ima negai wo

限りなく回り続ける青いメリーゴーランド (不断转动的蓝色旋转木马)


kagiri naku mawari tsuzuke ru aoi meri-go-rando

キミに成れば“永远”と教えてくれ (如果我变成你的话 告诉我那个就是“永远”吧)


kimi ni nare ba 「 eien 」 to oshie tekure

Love without shape changing day by day (没有随着岁月的过去而改变的爱)

Love without shape changing day by day

love without shape changing day by day

时を重ねる (历经时间的流逝)


toki wo kasaneru

届かない梦を见ていよう (让我们一起做着遥不可及的梦)


todoka nai yume wo mite iyou

Long road which leads to the calm hill (引领我们抵达沉静山峦的漫漫长路)

Long road which leads to the calm hill

long road which leads to the calm hill

悲しみは置いて行くよ (把悲伤放下 再次前进吧)


kanashimi ha oi te iku yo

Good night…My beloved (晚安…我的爱人)

Good night…My beloved

good night …my beloved

Last heaven of mine (属于我的最终天堂)

Last heaven of mine

last heaven of mine

Memento mori (记住 人难逃一死)

Memento mori

memento mori

All things must have an end (所有事情一定有完结的一天)

All things must have an end

all things must have an end

But you don't need to grieve (但你不需要感到悲伤)

But you don't need to grieve

but you don't need to grieve

また めぐり逢えるよ (我们终究会重逢)

また めぐりあえるよ

mata meguri ae ruyo

Love without shape changing day by day (没有随着岁月的过去而改变的爱)

Love without shape changing day by day

love without shape changing day by day

深く重ねる (紧紧地倚靠对方)


fukaku kasaneru

二人は一つ 流れ星になって (俩人成为天空的流星)

ふたりはひとつ ながれぼしになって

futari ha hitotsu nagareboshi ninatte

Long road which leads to the calm hill (引领抵达沉静山峦的漫漫长路)

Long road which leads to the calm hill

long road which leads to the calm hill

光を灯すように (像点亮的灯一样)


hikari wo tomosu youni

明日を照らす (Always stay this way ) (照亮明天 (总是这样))

あすをてらす (Always stay this way )

ashita wo tera su (always stay this way )

Love without shape changing day by day (没有随着岁月的过去而改变的爱)

Love without shape changing day by day

love without shape changing day by day

时を重ねる (历经时间的流逝)


toki wo kasaneru

届かない梦を见ていよう (让我们一起做着遥不可及的梦)


todoka nai yume wo mite iyou

Long road which leads to the calm hill (引领我们抵达沉静山峦的漫漫长路)

Long road which leads to the calm hill

long road which leads to the calm hill

悲しみは置いて行くよ (把悲伤放下 再次前进吧)


kanashimi ha oi te iku yo

Good night…My beloved (晚安…我的爱人)

Good night…My beloved

good night …my beloved

Last heaven of mine (属于我的最终天堂)

Last heaven of mine

last heaven of mine

Last heaven of mine (属于我的最终天堂)

Last heaven of mine

last heaven of mine

Always stay this way ここにいるよ (一直这样维持着 在这里)

Always stay this way ここにいるよ

always stay this way kokoniiruyo

言叶よりも深く (比言语更加深切)


kotoba yorimo fukaku
