The Rock City Boy - JAMIL - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

The Rock City Boy - JAMIL

ちょっと污れたスーツケースをもって (手携有点脏了的旅行箱)


chotto yogore ta su-tsuke-su womotte

なにも知らずに 空からおりた (一无所知 从天而降)

なにもしらずに そらからおりた

nanimo shirazu ni aka raorita

地図の向こう、ココに参上 (造访地图的另一端)


chizu no mukou、 koko ni sanjou

梦に见た憧れの场所 (梦寐以求之地)


yume ni mita akogare no basho

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy ()

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy

yea yea yea the rock city boy

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy ()

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy

yea yea yea the rock city boy

Ohh baby ジャンジャン壁乘り越えようwith my guitar (Ohh baby 一个劲地跨越坚壁吧 with mu guitar)

Ohh baby ジャンジャンじゃんじゃんかべのりこえようwith my guitar

ohh baby janjan kabe norikoe you with my guitar

届くまでoh yeah歌おう just musicそれだけで (直至传递到oh yeah高歌吧 just music而已)

とどくまでoh yeahうたおう just musicそれだけで

todoku made oh yeah utao u just music soredakede

君に捧げるよyeah (全奉献给你yeah)


kun ni sasage ruyo yeah

マジで共通点が多んちゃうの? with my guitar (共同点真的太多了是吧? with my guitar)

マジまじできょうつうてんがおおんちゃうの? with my guitar

maji de kyoutsuuten ga ta nchauno ? with my guitar

探しながらYea歌おう just loveただそれだけで (边寻找Yea边高歌 just love而已)

さがしながらYeaうたおう just loveただそれだけで

sagashi nagara yea utao u just love tadasoredakede

追いかけbe free!? Myパーフェクトドリーム (便追逐be free!? My完美梦想)

おいかけbe free!? Myパーフェクトぱーふぇくとドリームどりーむ

oi kake be free!? my pa-fekutodori-mu

I wanna believe the singing on beat (我想相信那心跳的音乐)

I wanna believe the singing on beat

i wanna believe the singing on beat

most recently is like recess for me (最近如同放假的心情)

most recently is like recess for me

most recently is like recess for me

Pretty pretty please, no birds and the bees (美人 美人 拜托 不要花鸟鱼虫)

Pretty pretty please, no birds and the bees

pretty pretty please, no birds and the bees

but ecstasy with extra cheese (但额外的奶酪让我狂喜)

but ecstasy with extra cheese

but ecstasy with extra cheese

Rhyming rhino sounding like bono (犀牛般的旋律 听起来如波诺)

Rhyming rhino sounding like bono

rhyming rhino sounding like bono

all smacked up with a black jack bottle (用21点纸牌拍出一切节奏)

all smacked up with a black jack bottle

all smacked up with a black jack bottle

When I say"ho"you say"hey" (当我说)

When I say"ho"you say"hey"

when i say"ho"you say"hey"

なに言ってるかわからないよね? (你不知道我在说什么吧?)


nani itsutsu terukawakaranaiyone ?

Let me tell a little story about someone (让我告诉你一个关于某人的小故事)

Let me tell a little story about someone

let me tell a little story about someone

话すのはあんまり 上手くはない (我不怎么擅长言诉)

はなすのはあんまり うまくはない

hanasu nohaanmari umaku hanai

それでもサウンドに合わせると (不过只要配合音响的话)


soredemo saundo ni awa seruto

新たな世界が见えるよ (就能看见崭新的世界)


arata na sekai ga mie ruyo

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy ()

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy

yea yea yea the rock city boy

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy ()

yea yea yea The Rock City Boy

yea yea yea the rock city boy

Music can save the world maybe 言叶はいらない (Music can save the world maybe 无须多说)

Music can save the world maybe ことばはいらない

music can save the world maybe kotoba hairanai

口ずさみLa La 歌おう 伝えたい what else can I say (哼唱着La La 高歌吧 想要传达 what else can I say)

くちずさみLa La うたおう つたえたい what else can I say

kuchi zusami la la utao u tsutae tai what else can i say

笑颜になれるよね oh yeah (定能让你绽放笑容 oh yeah)

えがおになれるよね oh yeah

egao ninareruyone oh yeah

特に说明なんていらないwith my guitar (无需特意去做任何说明 with my guitar)

とくにせつめいなんていらないwith my guitar

tokuni setsumei nanteiranai with my guitar

感じるままにyea叫ぼう (循着感觉yea高呼吧)


kanji rumamani yea sakebo u

By myselfそれでもいい (哪怕be myself也好)

By myselfそれでもいい

by myself soredemoii

volume上げてみ? My Japanese Dream (试着提高volume吧 My Japanese Dream)

volumeあげてみ? My Japanese Dream

volume age temi ? my japanese dream

寝てる时も 起きてる时も 梦を味方にしようよ (梦中也好 醒来也好 都结梦想为伴)

ねてるときも おきてるときも ゆめをみかたにしようよ

nete ru toki mo oki teru toki mo yume wo mikata nishiyouyo

Ohh baby ジャンジャン壁乘り越えようWith my guitar (Ohh baby 一个劲地跨越坚壁吧 With my guitar)

Ohh baby ジャンジャンじゃんじゃんかべのりこえようWith my guitar

ohh baby janjan kabe norikoe you with my guitar

届くまでoh yeah歌おう (直至传递到oh yeah高歌吧)

とどくまでoh yeahうたおう

todoku made oh yeah utao u

just musicそれだけで (just music而已)

just musicそれだけで

just music soredakede

君に捧げるよyeah (全奉献给你yeah)


kun ni sasage ruyo yeah

マジで共通点のほうが多いんちゃうの? with my guitar (共同点真的太多了是吧? with my guitar)

マジまじできょうつうてんのほうがおおいんちゃうの? with my guitar

maji de kyoutsuuten nohouga ooi nchauno ? with my guitar

探しながらyea歌おう Just loveただそれだけで (边寻找Yea边高歌 just love而已)

さがしながらyeaうたおう Just loveただそれだけで

sagashi nagara yea utao u just love tadasoredakede

追いかけ be free!? (便追逐be free!?)

おいかけ be free!?

oi kake be free!?

ぶっちゃけどこにいる时も一绪さ with my guitar (说实话无论在哪我们都形影不离)

ぶっちゃけどこにいるときもいっしょさ with my guitar

butchakedokoniiru toki mo issho sa with my guitar

音と笑颜さえあれば (只要有音乐和笑容)


oto to egao saeareba

Just feel 通じてんだよね (彼此的just feel相通了呢)

Just feel つうじてんだよね

just feel tsuuji tendayone

So let's all be free ()

So let's all be free

so let's all be free

Dream scheme whatever means (不择手段 策划梦想)

Dream scheme whatever means

dream scheme whatever means

be be with certainty (这是毫无疑问)

be be with certainty

be be with certainty

unbelieveable unconceiveable (难以置信 不敢想像)

unbelieveable unconceiveable

unbelieveable unconceiveable

say it all to make you fall (说这一切都让你爱上)

say it all to make you fall

say it all to make you fall

back to the basics far from the states (回到基本地点 远离美国)

back to the basics far from the states

back to the basics far from the states

never parted finish where we started (我们自始至终从未离开过这个地方)

never parted finish where we started

never parted finish where we started

rock city boy two rocks in my loin (城市摇滚男孩如两颗石块压在我腰)

rock city boy two rocks in my loin

rock city boy two rocks in my loin

just a man with a plan to make pretty noise (只有一个男人在计划创造美妙的噪音)

just a man with a plan to make pretty noise

just a man with a plan to make pretty noise

run run running for something (前进 前进 为某些事而前进)

run run running for something

run run running for something

governor mayor save that for later (州长和市长延迟解救)

governor mayor save that for later

governor mayor save that for later

far from home on my own (独自一人远离家乡)

far from home on my own

far from home on my own

found out the hardest where the heart is (灵心所在的地方最难发现)

found out the hardest where the heart is

found out the hardest where the heart is

moral of the story is go for the glory (这个故事的寓意是为了荣耀)

moral of the story is go for the glory

moral of the story is go for the glory

forget the boundaries borders are nonsense (忘记边界 边界是无稽之谈)

forget the boundaries borders are nonsense

forget the boundaries borders are nonsense

when I say"no"you say"way" (当我说)

when I say"no"you say"way"

when i say"no"you say"way"

なにいってるかわからないよね? (你不知道我在说什么吧?)


naniitterukawakaranaiyone ?

やっぱりなにいってるかわからないよね (你果然不知道我在说什么吧)


