I hate me - Lily.みゅー - 歌词翻译及罗马音译整理

I hate me - Lily.μ

何気ない时间を一人で过ごした (一个人度过无聊的时间)


nanigena i jikan wo hitori de sugo shita

もう寂しさなんて… (真是寂寞啊…)


mou sabishi sanante …

忘れてるよね? もう大丈夫でしょ? (忘记了吗?已经没问题了吗?)

わすれてるよね? もうだいじょうぶでしょ?

wasure teruyone ? mou daijoubu desho ?

そう言い闻かせていたんだ でも (就算这样劝说自己)

そういいきかせていたんだ でも

sou ii kika seteitanda demo

时が过ぎれば 軽い擦り伤は (时间流逝 轻轻地擦拭伤口)

ときがすぎれば かるいすりきずは

toki ga sugi reba karui surikizu ha

愈えると思ってたのに (自愈后我一直这么认为)


ie ruto omotsu tetanoni

その存在は 心をえぐってた (那个存在刺痛着我的心)

そのそんざいは こころをえぐってた

sono sonzai ha kokoro woegutteta

一年経っても愈えない それなのに (一年过去了并没有痊愈 但是)

いちねんたってもいえない それなのに

ichinen hetsu temo ie nai sorenanoni

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都在一直说恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说爱着你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

涙はこぼれてしまうのに (泪腺明明已经崩溃)


namida hakoboreteshimaunoni

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都一直说我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说爱着你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

何よりも一番 “I hate me” (但最恨的却是我自己)

なによりもいちばん “I hate me”

nani yorimo ichiban “i hate me ”

ケンカの时も どう考えても私が悪くても (争吵的时候 即使这么说都是我不好)

ケンカけんかのときも どうかんがえてもわたしがわるくても

kenka no toki mo dou kangae temo watashi ga waruku temo

绝対に先に谢るでしょ? (你必须先道歉吗?)


zettai ni sakini ayamaru desho ?

その优しさが痛かったの (那种温柔真是刺痛)


sono yasashi saga itaka ttano

今は何処かで知らない谁かと (现在在哪里和哪个我不认识的人在一起)


ima ha doko kade shira nai dareka to

笑い合っているのね (嬉笑玩闹呢)


warai atsu teirunone

好きにすれば?もう他人だから (如果喜欢他?但是却已成为了局外人)


suki nisureba ? mou tanin dakara

想ったりはしない それなのに (尽量不要这么想 可是)

おもったりはしない それなのに

omotsu tarihashinai sorenanoni

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都一直说我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说爱着你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

头では分かってるのに (大脑明明就已经知道)


atama deha waka tterunoni

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都一直说我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说爱着你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

谁よりも一番 “I hate me” (但是最恨的却是自己)

だれよりもいちばん “I hate me”

dare yorimo ichiban “i hate me ”

最后のサヨナラを交わした时も笑ったでしょ? (最后的告别时也是保持着微笑的 对吧?)


saigo no sayonara wo majiwa shita toki mo waratsu tadesho ?

记忆から消えない 今も (无法把记忆抹除 今天也)

きおくからきえない いまも

kioku kara kie nai ima mo

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚一直说着我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说我爱着你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

涙はこぼれてしまうのに (泪腺明明已经崩溃)


namida hakoboreteshimaunoni

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都一直说着我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说着我爱你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

何よりも一番 “I hate me” (但是最恨的却是我自己)

なによりもいちばん “I hate me”

nani yorimo ichiban “i hate me ”

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都一直说着我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说着我爱你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

头では分かってる 分かってるのに (大脑明明就已经知道)

あたまではわかってる わかってるのに

atama deha waka tteru waka tterunoni

I keep saying hate you through the night. (我整晚都一直说着我恨你)

I keep saying hate you through the night.

i keep saying hate you through the night.

Like I used to say love you that night. (就像那晚我一直说着我爱你一样)

Like I used to say love you that night.

like i used to say love you that night.

谁よりも一番 “I hate me” (但是最恨的却是我自己)

だれよりもいちばん “I hate me”

dare yorimo ichiban “i hate me ”
